World Vision Roundtable Discussion with Tony Rinaudo

06-06-2024 4:00 PM - 06-06-2024 5:15 PM

Discussion Focus: How Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration helps vulnerable communities
Moderator: Gregory March, Partnership Specialist, ESG Innovation Lab
Participants: Tony Rinaudo + 12 participants

Wander Meijer, Executive Director of Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden and John Sayer, Executive Director of Deloitte CarbonCare Asia will also be joining the roundtable.

Please click to find a position paper and the World Vision Australia (FMNR) Phase 1 Prospectus.

Please email if you are interested in joining.

Tony Rinaudo
Venue Name
Dream Impact's ESG Innovation Lab
Venue Address
28/F 28 Stanley Street, Central