Greater Bay Area

Area of Focus: Greater Bay Area

Engagement and Mission

The GBA Committee seeks to lead the development of the Greater Bay Area initiative which is vital to the ongoing development Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao (hereafter referred to as the “GBA”). The Committee is focused upon co-operation, education and advocacy for the benefit of the Committee Members and AustCham’s Greater China Chambers. The Committee aims to work with key stakeholders across the whole of chamber and act as a focal point across various key sectors.


  • Co-operation: Broad and boundaryless cooperation between Hong Kong, Macao and Southern China supplemented by broader partnerships with AustCham Shanghai and Beijing and other Chambers, on GBA issues.
  • Education: To gather intelligence, build understanding of relevant issues and generate insights. 
  • Advocacy: To lead on awareness raising and policy recommendations on major issues affecting Austcham Members and stakeholders across GBA.



Time and Date of Meeting: Second Wednesday of every month, 5:00pm-6:00pm

Committee Management

Amanda Rasmussen
